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tv   Fox Morning News at 5  FOX  April 2, 2010 5:00am-6:00am EDT

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before he finally revealed would he really is. >> i actually had them believing me for a little while. they were into the workout. then i ripped off my warm-up and they saw you was a globetrotter p i gave them -- i gave them all free tickets. >> effect in the class was invited to the globetrotters game on april 10th. the team will play at the patriots center the same day. rocket rivers also got our own tony perkins in an april fool's traffic here yesterday on -- prank here yesterday on fox 5 morning news. good morning. it is friday, april 2nd, 2010. nice shot outside this morning. still early. thank you for being up early with us. i'm gurvir dhindsa. >> i'm steve chenevey. welcome to fox 5 morning news. tony perkins with us. you might have wanted the bucket of water instead of the
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confetti to cool down. >> it will be a warm afternoon, i think, similar to yesterday. another very, very nice day on tap. not bad at all. let's jump right in. we have mostly clear skies this morning and again today we will have mostly clear skies across the region. that little green circle that you see there is just an anomaly. pay no attention to that. we have clear skies. there are some clouds off the coast and some clouds off to the west but we'll see a lot of sunshine today. current temperatures are rather mild. right now in the district, it is 54 degrees. that will probably drop off a little bit during the next couple hours. 49degrees at dulles airport. patuxent naval air station, 50 degrees. and in winchester, it is 49 degrees at this hour. forecast for today, it is a simple one. we will see sunny skies, another warm afternoon with mild winds. high about 77 degrees although our highs will vary depending on where you are. they will range toronto mid-70s to about 80 degrees.
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we'll split it right down the middle there, 77. >> sounds lovely actually. thank you. let's check in with julie wright to say good morning to her. >> no accidents to report right now. traffic volume really light and flowing with ease so if you are heading out of town, now is the time to go. no incidents to report right now out of the chesapeake bay bridge. you are at speed if you are traveling south along 270 leaving mva headed in the direction of rockville. for those traveling northbound 270, overnight construction still along the left side of the road here as you work your way north up towards 124 and out towards germantown. the lanes are open on the southbound stretch head back down towards the lane divide. no problems to report right now, 395 continuing out towards the 14th street bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. we continue to follow the developing story in new england. the record flooding, homeland security secretary janet napolitano will visit rhode island today. meantime, president obama promised the governor federal help. the president called the governor during a trip to new
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england. rhode island was hardest hit by the defense at this timing flood waters. the rain is gone now. i-95, which had been closed in some places, is now open again but the flooding continues since many rivers are still above major flood stage. in the counsel of coventry, there are concerns over a bridge on the patuxent river. >> if the bridge falls, will it somehow impact the dam? the worst case is if the bridge falls, something happens to the dam because now you got a wall of water that is going to go down the river. >> safety inspect ours say the bridge will still need to be taken down because it is no longer serviceable. a southeast washington neighborhood remains on high alert in the wake of tuesday's deadly drive-by shooting. police are still looking for the person they've identified as the fourth suspect in the shooting that left four people dead and injured five on south capital street.
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authorities are following up on several leads from witnesses. police are on the lookout for more signs of retaliation in that neighborhood now. >> in a case like this, simply outrageous that such a simple disagreement that essentially had been resolved, resulted in four people losing their life. >> two men and a 14-year-old have been charged in the shooting which authorities believe was payback for the murder of jordan howe. another big story today. some students at howard university say they feel like of this a bull's eye on their back with crooks targeting students. they tell us they just don't feel safe. asked men robbed students inside of a campus building and that was just the beginning of the crime spree. sherry ly picks up the story from there. >> reporter: good morning. what make people so nervous about this robbery here at howard university is that this building here is supposed to be secure at night and in the
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early-morning hours. it is locked up. students and staff can only get in with a pass card. so at the time of these robberies, the doors should have been locked but somehow the robbers got in. police say that this was one of 10 robberies that took place in the area between 3:30 and 6:00 thursday morni. the suspects also hit at seventh and kennedy, the 700 block of hoe -- hobart and the 900 block of randolph. suspects came into the engineering building and robbed students of effect they had. the vic tumed say that they were on the second floor tw two dollars that were normally locked. for some reason, one of the the doors was opened. some students admit that sometimes it is easier if they need to leave and continue back into the building to prop a door open which also means anyone else can come into the building too. >> the campus police come
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around about 10:00. they will lock this door and look all the surrounding doors. sometimes students will come out and get to mcdonald's. and the back lot, they will leave that propped open. that is the only door that is always propped open late at night when the students come in. >> given what happened with this robbery, once again, campus leaders and administrators at howard university are warning students not to prop doors open in these secure buildings late at night and to report any suspicious activity. they are also increasing patrols here at howard university. can you see we've got campus police just down the street here. they are trying to put those extra patrols here so that they can make sure that all of the students here are safe. live at howard university, sherry ly, fox 5 news. >> thank you. a u.s. army soldiers that pleaded guilty to running a brothel from his apartment in millersville in anne arundel county. craig corey admits he ran a sex
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and drug trafficking business. he confessed to recruiting a 16- year-old girl an other women from across the country to sell sex. corey admitted using craigslist, youtube and my space to recruit the women. voters in anne arundel county will get to decide if a casino can be built the at a popular shopping mall. there are plans to add a slot machine site at arudnel mills mall. opponents have collected enough signatures to get a referendum on the ballot in november. some other stories making head lines. netflix making it easier to rent movies and for one man, police say it made it easy for him to commit a crime, several thousand times. we'll explain next. it is holy week at the vatican as the pope takes part in another ritual. you are watching fox 5 morning news.
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disney world is helping the family of a boy killed on its property. a bus hit the 10-year-old near the fort wilderness resort. that little boy was riding his bicycle with with a friend. friend wasn't hurt. both children were wearing helmets and the accident is still under investigation. two indiana police officers
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have been suspended after using a taser on a 10-year-old boy at a day care. the martinsville city cops were called to the day care if a child that was out of control. witnesses say the 10-year-old was wildly flailing his arms and legs and no one could restrain him. one of the officers shot the boys with a taser. parents are outraged and the issue is being investigate the. an illinois man could be facing legal trouble because of his movie collection. there it is. police and fbi agents who arrived at is home say they found 6300 tvds, all pirated. they say the man would order film netflix, burn them to a new dvd and sell them for about $2 a a. piece. the case is still under investigation although charges are expected. holy week rituals are under way at the vatican. today is good friday marking time christians are expected to examine their consciences and ask god for forgiveness. yesterday, pope benedict xvi
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washed the feet of 1 priests, a ceremony symbolizing humility. -- of 12 priests, a ceremony symbolizing humility. your drive through a local construction zone is about to get worse. john? >> for construction delays an traffic difficulties, tysons corner will be ground zero for tw b. -- about two years. >> we have the latest on the forecast and julie wright will tell us what is happening with traffic. stay with us. fox 5 morning news will be right back. q??????????????÷
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[ eping ] ♪ my country ♪ 'tis of thee ♪ sweet land ♪ of liberty ♪ of thee i sing [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ from every mountainside ♪ let freedom ring ♪
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michael jackson no dut a pioneer in the music industry and now he and another mousse you can icon being honored by the fame ad apollo theater in harlem. >> the king of pop along with
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the queen of soul, aretha franklin, will be inducted into the hall of fame this summer. >> a couple of good ones. >> love it. >> couple of good ones coming up as far as the days outside as well. let's get the weekend forecast. >> i am distracted because we are still showing the michael jackson video on the monitor. i'm watching that. you want me to dance like michael jackson. you ready in no, i can't. >> come on, do it. >> no, we want to keep the views are that we have. turn the music off. that's it. not doing it. here is a look at what is happening with the weather conditions aund the region. our current temperatures, 54 degrees in washington. gaithersburg, 48. 48 in quantico. annapolis, you are at 49. culpeper, virginia at 45 degrees this morning. here is a look at the satellite- radar composite for our region. clear skies here. up to the north, secure clear skies there. the rain has moved out. they've got nice recovery efforts or nice weather for the
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recovery efforts going on in new england. they will continue to see flooding for today in parts of the region has some of the rivers continue to crest. here is a look at the surface map. here what is we think will be going on if if you had and for the next 4 hours. -- for today and for the next 24 hours. high pressure is in control of our weather keeping things nice and calm and quiet. there is a cold front out to the west. you see the clouds associated with it. that will eventually work its way here. i think the main impact of the cold front will bring clouds in maybe saturday night. we really think the precipitation is going to break up before it gets here so i doubt we'll see anything. maybe some view ares to the west might see a riskle or two but that is about it. we look like we'll be pretty much rain-free for the next several days. forecast for today, mostly sunny skies, a warm afternoon. highs again in the upper 70s. some of you will get to 80 degrees in all likelihood today. for tonight, clear skies,
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comfortable temperatures again. 54 in town. some 40s outside of town. five-day forecast, we've scale it back a little bit. 79-degree tomorrow. i think some of you will goat to 80. sunday, 76. we are in the 70s for the next self days and with the exception of maybe a brisk sprinkle out to the west, we are rain-free. let's go julie wright. >> did you pass up a moment to dance to mj? >> because i'm so bad. >> you want to dance to bad, is that it? oh, see? come on, tony. we could do the video. >> let me practice a little bit. you and i, that would be funny. we'll talk about that you and i remaking this video. >> i don't know which one of us is going to fit into that skirt. i'm told i have to give you dance moves.
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i'm working on my turn. there you go, now, i'm turning back around. >> we'll do it. we'll shoot a video. >> let's spray on the pam on my thighs to get that skirt up. right now on the roads, the outer loop of the beltway, no problems reported from college park trying to get through silver spring. all lanes are open. it is quiet right now in each direction over the at the bay bridge an 95 is in great shape as you travel to and from fredericksburg. no problems reported 66 coming inbound across the tr bridge. height volume out of roslyn. if you are planning your trip out of town for this weekend, now is the time to go. light traffic volume on just about all the interstates. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. >> thank you. anybody who drives the play around tysons corner knows it is a construction zone from new hot lanes on 495 to the metrorail expansion out to dulles. it will get a whole lot worse. fox 5's john henrehan has our traffic alert this morning. >> this is tysons corner, the beltway and route 123 is here.
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route 7 is over there a little bit. for construction delays and traffic difficulties, tysons corner will be ground zero for about the next two years. construct on the beltway's extra hot lanes is already well under way andouille tilt relocation for the future expansion of metrorail has been tearing up northern virginia streets if a year. traffic has already been impacted gentleman it has taken away the lane that were right on the access roads. those are gone and then the lane shifting provides a problem especially if it is dark outside or if it is raining. >> reporter: well, traffic around here will get worse before it gets better. >> traffic will be shifted. they will widen i-95 between newington and woodbridge. that is ahead of schedule. should being done in the fall. finishing the fairfax county parkway so it runs from route
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seven all the way to route one p and the big hot lanes project on the beltway from springfield to north of the dulles toll road, loss of shoulders and lane shifting is already affecting traffic and it will get measurably worse around tysons corner starting this summer aand lasting another 12 to 14 months. why in accelerated metro construction is happening here at the same time. engineerthink many car trips may be 20-plus minutes longer than they are now. v-d.o.t. is asking for help from employers. >> we want to encourage telecommuting. we want to encourage different work times. >> reporter: v-d.o.t. is also funding new shuttle and transit buses at tysons corner. engineers are hoping once tyson's has four operating metrorail stops and once the hot lanes on the beltway can carry buses and carpoolers,
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individual car trips in th area may decline as much as 30%. at tysons corner, john henrehan, fox 5 news. >> thank you. so when will it all come to an end? the new hot lanes on the beltway should be finished by december of 2012. metro trains should be rolling to wiehle avenue by 013 and the train service all the way to dulles should be operating by 2017. >> still seems like a long way away. consumer alert, a new sales report for automakers. coming up later on, prison inmates going the extra mile to earn some extra privileges. we'll be back right after this. 
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there are new rules for gas mileage coming from the feds. that means paying more for cars. but it should cost less to fill up at the pump. the new gas mile raj standards require cars an truck to average 35.5 miles for the gallon by the year 016. that is up about 10 miles per gallon from the current conditions. for the first time ever, government will regulate tile pain emigs. they plan to speed up the next generation of hybrid vehicles. virginia attorney gneral ken cuccinelli says he will go to court over the new fuel efficiency rules. he says they are a tacit denial of his lawsuit which challenges the epa conclusion that green house gases are dangerous
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people and should be regulated under the lean air act. things appear to be turning around for automakers. rise cotter tacks a look now at the most recent car sales. >> reporter: following unprecedent the dealer incentive across all major brands, general motors had an increase in major brands. with over 188,000 vehicle sold during the month, gm retook the number one position against domestic manufacturers like ford. sales in china were up a staggering 84%. ford continues to gain market share courting an increase in
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the 17th month in the past 18. toyota has been under fire since initiating a recall and they use the inntives to sell over 180,000 vehicles in march. that is an increase of almost 41%. are americans getting over their fears about toyota quality control? the numbers indicate as much. chrysler, on the other hand, they are being left behind. year over year sales are down 8%. but up 10% from february's numbers. things are going so well in the ought motive business even chrysler fans can find something to cheer about. we're watching your money fox business. in new york, i'm chris cotter. we still have plenty ahead on fox 5 morning news. >> reporter: students at howard university were hit in a string of robberies across this part of the city. we'll tell you how the suspect
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may have gotten in what should have been a locked building.
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carol loves to rescue dogs, and spends a lot of her time and money doing that. [ carol ] they're all rescues, yeah. thank you. thank you. so i decided to make my home their home. it just makes it a little harder to se for myself. we showed her how wachovia's way2save program can help. when carol uses her check card to make a purchase, a dollar is automatically transferred from her checking to her savings account. and she gets a bonus just for saving. the more i can save for me the more i can give to them. [ le announcer ] with you when it's time to save. wachovia. a wells fargo company.
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welcome back. a live look at our nation's capitol. temperatures already in the mid- 50s at least right here. >> it will be a glorious day, i think. age i think, as we are seeing
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this morning with our temperatures vawrying from the mid-40s to the mid-50s -- varying from the mid-40s to the mid-50s, that is kind of what our highs will do and they will vary from the mid-70s to about 80 degrees. here in the district, gurvir is right, it is 54 degrees. 46 in baltimore. 50 at dulles. a lot of folks are in the 50s. 51degrees. 46 in dover, delaware and 46 in winchester. here is awe look at the satellite-radar composite for our region. things look good. we have clear skies this morning. we'll have mostly sunny skies. not much going on. the little blips that you you see are just some anomalies in the system. either that or it is an alien invasion. here your day planner for today. lots of sunshine, warm, mild winds looking for a high ranging from the mid-70s to 08- degree. we'll call it 77 in washington. more on the weather coming up in just a little bit.
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>> thank you. let's check some with julie wright an get a look at traffic this morning. >> good morning to all of you. it was quiet and now we have problems to report. if you normally travel along new hampshire avenue at 108, that is where we find the accident activity. the activity that wear fining here in the cameras on 108. new hampshire avenue still open for business. but fire an apparatus on the scene along with an ambulance and police. in the dark, it is difficult to see what exactly is involve in the crash but we do know we have the wreck and it is eastbound on 108, not on new hampshire avenue. new hampshire avenue remains open at this time. you can see the flashing lights there and all of the activity. again, some traffic it appears is able to squeeze through to the left under police rection right now. traffic volume very light. we are not anticipating much of a backup but definitely something to watch out for. new york avenue coming inbound. all lane are open right now as you travel from northeast to
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northwest. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. we are following the developing story in new england, that is the record flooding. rhode island was the hardest hit. janet npolitano will visit the state today. meantime, president obama promises federal help. flooding continues since main many rivers are still above floodtage. >> good news is that d.o.t. crews out all night supplemented by national guard personnel and pumping and pumping and pumping all night long and into today to get water off of 95. >> president obama has also key dleard massachusetts a federal disaster area. he made a surprise visit there yesterday. new charges against d.c. councilman jim graham's former chief of staff. ted loza was charged in october with taking bribe from cab companies. this is file of him on the right. now, federal prosecutors are
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adding extortion, making false statements and conspiracy charges. prosecutors say he took at least some cash, trips and other gifts in exchange for legislative favors for certain certain cab companies. police have now identified a fourth suspect in tuesday's deadly drive-by shooting in southeast d.c. but that person is still on the run. so far, three people have been arrested and charged including 26-year-old nathaniel sims, 0- year-old orlando carter and a 14-year-old with a criminal past believed to be the getaway driver. police say the suspects pulled occupy day crowd along south capital street southeast and began shooting, killing four people and wounding five others. despite the arrests, the fears of retaliation remain. >> we can't say with certainty whether the situation is over right now. >> police are boss it wasly
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livinged an ak-47 weapon to the shooting on south capital street. investigators want for know if it was used in the murder of jordan howe as well. our other big story is the campus crime alert at howard university. students stayed up late to studdie inside the engineering hall. their reward, being robbed inside downing hall. search is now on to fine the robbers. sherry ly is joining us no with more on our big story. good morning. >> good morning. the campus here at howard university is on alert this morning. it was just about 4 hours ago that some students were hit inside the school of engineering here in a robbery spree that stretch ad cross this part of the city and what make this one so seven wracking for the students here is that it should have been a secured blding. this all happened around 3:30 early thursday morning. one of 10 robberies that spanned less than a three-hour period in this area of the
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city. police say four armed suspects wearing ski haseks robbed a group of students studying inside downing hall stealing everything they had. the suspect escaped through the south handicapped door. students say the building is locked late at night and in the early morning and you have to have a key card to get in. the vic tums say they were on the second floor in a room with two doors that are normally locked. but for some reason, one of the doors was not. some students say the doors were often propped open so students can easily leave, grab food or run out and come back. >> i love howard, the education and the networking that it does have but my safety is important. i won't be here late anymore. >> that is crazy. people can come inside the school building and rob us. something needs to be done. >> reporter: the university has added extra police patrols to keep the campus safe. they are also urging students not to prop doors open which only defeats the purpose of a secured building. it is an open campus and the
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fact is people will walk in. now, none. the students here at howard was seriously hurt in the robbery but police say, in some of the rob robberies in other parts of the city, some of victim were beaten and that some of the victims were threatened by the robbers. they threatened to kill them. police say the robbers and to be after things like cell phones and personal electroc tea vices. sherry ly, fox 5 news. back to you. we're checking more headlines when we come back. prison inmates going the extra mile to earn some extra privileges. we'll tell you why they're exercising a little bit more. first, let's take a look at the markets. once again, yesterday, quite a turnaround at the end of the day. ended in positive territory after being down most of the day racking that 10,900 mark on the do you. nasdaq up ahandful. the nikkei up 41 points and dow
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futures are up pretty significantly as well -- nasdaq up a handful. (announcer) we're in the energy business.
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but we're also in the showing-kids- new-worlds business. and the startup-capital- for-barbers business. and the this-won't- hurt-a-bit business. because we don't just work here.
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we live here. these are our families. and our neighbors. and by changing lives we're in more than the energy business we're in the human energy business. chevron. a russian rocket headed to the international space station this morning t blasted off last night from kazakhstan. on board that rocket, nasa
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astronaut tracy caldwell dison. they are all due to arrive on sunday. that is one day before the crew of the shuttle discovery take off. the crew will deliver a cargo p to the space station. the blastoff is set for monday. soy two people being held for questioning in the murder of a mayor in southwestern illinois. police say mayor john thornton of washington mark washot twice in his chest. police think the mayor was traying around the impoverished town after working a second job overnight. got to keep moving in you want to watch the tube. the inmates have to work ought if they want to watch their favorite programs at a jail in arizona. it is called dal vision. they use the bicycle to power the tv. if an inmate slows down while pedaling, a nice alerts them the tv will shut down. sheriff says half the inmates are overweight and this is a pretty good way too get them back into shape. a little incentive. >> that same sheriff has done a bunch of other wackychanges
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out there. get ready for the ipad due out tomorrow. question is will it live up to the hype? >> we are both to give you aa firsthand review. we'll be checking out your morning commute for you. tony has the forecast coming up. .
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saving money on cereal. - bread. - laundry detergent. even paper towels and toothpaste. at safew, we've made a promise to lower the prices...
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on thousands of everyday items throughout the store. and, with our club card specials like... safeway ham, just 88¢ a pound, and gold pineapple, only $1.97 each, safeway is keeping that commitment. so you'll always get what you want, when you want it, - at the pce you need. - today and tomorrow. that's our promise. that's ingredients for life. safeway.
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welcome back. we're looking for -- a mean yesterday was just another fabulous day outside. a lot of people outside trying to enjoy the day. >> in the froikt, we projected a high of 78 degrees p got up to 74. although at dulles, it got up to 79 degrees. >> it was comfortable. >> i think it will be warmer today. -- in the district, we projected a high of 78 degrees, got up to 74. the highs yesterday, 74 at reagan national as i mentioned. dulles, 79 degrees. bwi, 73. none of these re records. we would are -- we would have to get well into the 80s to break the records.
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54 in the district. 48 in gaithersburg. charm city, 46 there. culpeper, it is 45. out to the east, let's check out stevensville. 48degrees there. here is a look at the satellite- radar. not much to show you here. a couple of light clouds up to the north and west. they won't do anything. we have mostly clear skies for our early-morning hours an we will have this high pressure down here so we'll have clear skies and calm conditions again today and i think, although it will be a warmer day, i still think it will be relatively comfortable. the forecast look lake this. mostly sunny skies, warm. 77-degree for your high downtown. warmer than that in parts of the suburbs. winds out of the southeast at five miles per hour so those will be light. for tonight, skies will be clear. comfortable temperatures once again. 54 for your overnight low in town. some 40s out there but still a nice night. five-day forecast, things are quiet tomorrow, 79 and sunny. sunday, we add some clouds, 76. monday, 79 degrees. no rainfall on the fve-day
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forecast. there is awe chance of a sprinkle here or there. that is it. 78degrees for your high on tuesday. that is the latest on what is happening with weather conditions around the region. now, let's go to julie wright and find out what is happening with traffic. you looked very concerned there. >> just like is he going to make it? jaime a fine. >> that is what happens when you eat my reese's cups. >> that is what happens when i don't eat anything. i'm starving. tucker is eating a cup of sewed with respect right in front of me. >> if in -- a cup of sodium right in front of me. >> no problems to report as you travel northbound leaving the capital beltway continuing northbound up into olne ysm. at the 14th street bridge, light traffic volume as you
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work your way out across the bridge span. all lanes are open at the wilson bridge. that's a check of your fox 5 on-time traffic. get ready for ipad mania. the weight waite is almost over but get there early because people are already lining up to snatch those things up. the ipad is expected to sell out fast. matt ackland has more on ipad anticipation. >> that is what it looks like. >> reporter: it is just like appear toll tease us a little bit. announce a new product back in january and then just let us all wait. now, days before the ipad's release, the media has been whipped into a friend frenzy. >> if you wanted to see the keyboard -- >> katie barrette writes a technology column for the "wall street journal." she was given an time ipad a week ago to try it out. >> they have a very strict nondislow sure agreement that you have to sign.
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>> reporter: apple was so serious about letting the ipad out of the hands of the public, katie didn't let her family see it. >> i didn't want to mess up. >> reporter: on thursday, she was permitted to show us the ipad and give us her thoughts. >> just to plain how i used it, last weekend, i was at my parent house in pennsylvania and i brought my laptop home and i brought my ipad home and i didn't open up my laptop once i can't we took a quick tour of what the ipad offers. the speed that the apps are launched is lightning-fast. movies and pictures are crystal clear and the book function, which should compete with amazon's kindle, is in color and look like you're reading a real book apple executives are careful not to talk about how many ipads they have manufactured or even how many they have presold. but one thing is for sure. if the ipad is anything near as popular as the iphone, million will sell. >> they say it is more than just a big ipone so i guess we'll see. i'm not going to buy it
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tomorrow or on the 3rd but i'll take a look at this. >> katie says although she was happy with the overall performance of her loaned ipad, she was disappointed about a few things. >> it has some down sides too. it doesn't multitask. it doesn't have a web cam. >> already, there is speculationapple plans to fix those things with ipad 2.0. but as usual, with apple, we won't know until steve jobs decides to tell us. >> i feel like apple should let people use this for thee week and then they can say, yeah, this fits into my daily life. >> matt ackland, fox 5 news. >> sound pretty cool. what about the battery life? apple says that battery will last you about 10 hours even while constantly watching video. "wall street journal" did its own study and found it lasted 11.5 hours. the price starting at $499 for the basic wi-fi model. later on, the ipad will
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make a stop right here. we'll see if it is living up to the hype that is coming up around 9:30 this morning. ovechkin delivers it. the score! >> in sports, the caps getting geared up for the playoffs. plus the maryland terps did not make the final four. gurvir, you just walked right in front of the camera. it is like out skates like you are part of the game. it is like 3-d television. sports breakfast coming up and more prices on the way. -- and more surprises on the
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way. [ laughs ] ♪ oh, land ♪ where my fathers died ♪ land of the pilgrims' pride ♪ from every mountainside ♪ let freedom ring ♪
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good friday morning. dave ross here with your sports breakfast of the last night was a chance for the caps to get back on track. the defense has been, well, not very defensive. the team has lost three straight games overall. not exactly the way you want to go into the playoffs as they start to come into focus. the defense played much better on this night thanks in large part to this guy. just before the end of the first, ovechkin and backstrom redirects it in front. 0th of the year for backstrom. tied at one in the third. look at matt bradley just walking all in all by his lone some. pack hands that one home.
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his ninth goal of the career -- ninth goal of the year. lahry johnson spoke with the reporters. he fin underred last year in cincinnati but it was his off the field issues in kansas city that have threatened the rest of his career. he was suspended twice in the final 1 months with the chiefs, insulted fans an questions the competence of his head coach. now, he is a redskin and said welsh everything now is just water under the brid i can't i don't say it is a fresh start. there have been so many fresh starts i done had, this is more like i'm just going into a different era my own. i can pretty much come in here and being here and try to work as hard as i can to impress the coaches and see where it goes from there. i don't want to say it's fresh start because being 30, your fresh starts are already gone. >> we are only three days away from opening day and the great thing about the spring is that
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hope springs eterrible for each and every team and this year, maybe, just maybe, the nats will be the surprise of the national leagu one can hope, can't he? yes, he can. if the nas are going to surprise, this guy might help, josh willingham. yesterday, against the mets, in the fifth, tie game and willingham again. this one deep to center. >> a shot toward the 410 gn. matthews can't get it. it is off the wall. the nats go on to win 9-3. they lay boston tomorrow back here at nats park. more honors for vasquez of the just of maryland. yesterday, the basketball hall of fame announced he had won the 2010 bob cuzy award given to the annual point guard in all the country. he is a senior from sent trail
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aand averaged 19.6 points per game, 6.3 aists and 4.6 rebounds. >> i would trade my acc playr of the year and the award no disreport to that, just to be playing in the final four. that is how much that means to me and to just go and watch a game is going to be an unbelievable feeling. >> that is all for this edition of the break past of the enjoy your weekend. i'll see you all monday morning live from nats park. it is almost time to play ball for real. see you then, everybody. >> another good moment to terps fans. senior guard eric hayes won the three-point shooting con nest in indianapolis yesterday. he bite ryan whitman of cornell 17-15 and the final was the shot at the buzzer right there. he beat the woman's champ 22-21
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to become the overall three- point champion. more we are, traffic and our top stories. stay with us. more weather, traffic and our top stories. stay with us.  it's definitely expensive having a growing family. and it's something that you think about.
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